Religion and Society in the East

The periodical of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. ISSN 2542-1530


Religious Issues Through the Prism of the Ideology of Arab Socialist Ba‘ath Party

Abdullah Al-Ahmar

Religiia i obshchestvo na Vostoke, Issue I (2017), p. 221-256.

Ex principiis / Из источников

[The original article in Arabic]

The Ba‘athism and Arabism ideology does not accept using of confessional factor in the interests of both state power and any of social groups, condemning such an appearence in history. Extremism, which is of a religious color, was inherent in all religious communities. It must be eradicated in the Arab world as not conforming to the spirit of the Arab nation, its historical mission and its high civilizational contribution on a global scale.
(The article was provided by Abdullah al-Ahmar, Assistant Secretary-General of the Ba‘ath Party, National Command (Syria), specially for the “Religion and Society in the East”, January 30, 2017).

Keywords: Middle East, religious communities, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, religious policy, Arabism, Baathism

Volume: 221-256