Religion and Society in the East
The periodical of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. ISSN 2542-1530
To the fundamentals of the methodology for studying traditional communities of the East (extended transcript of the round table, IOS RAS, December 18, 2017)
Elena Lepekhova , Vasily Kuznetsov , Vladimir Orlov , Alexander Yakovlev , Милеев Д. А. , Alexey Sarabyev , Dmitry Mishin
Religiia i obshchestvo na Vostoke, Issue III (2019), p. 22-69.
An extended transcript of the discussion of approaches to some basic concepts of social and historical analysis of social groups in the East, which are commonly called traditional communities, is published. The latter include local communities based on joint economic activities, small national groups connected by common interests, and religious denominations. In the course of a lively scientific controversy, opinions are expressed on fundamental concepts: community, tradition, civilization, ethnic community, modernization, etc. Arguing on methodological topics of importance for historians, scientists discover a whole range of opinions and approaches, sometimes not fundamentally concurring. Their views on human communities from the point of view of different cultural and religious traditions characteristic of these societies of social devices, and endowed with special "Eastern" features of political and economic systems, the discussion participants back up with concrete historical facts and phenomena.
Keywords: tradition, community, civilization, modernization, social structure, methodology, East
Volume: 22-69