Religion and Society in the East

The periodical of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. ISSN 2542-1530


Three circles of Russian Eurasianism in the dichotomy of the East–West

Медведко Л. И.

Religiia i obshchestvo na Vostoke, Issue III (2019), p. 137-153.

East-West / Восток - Запад

Three main periods are revealed in the development of the concept of Russian Eurasianism. The current, post-Soviet stage is extraordinarily rich in theories and ideas based on the unity of Eurasia in its civilizational, cultural and religious diversity. People of various fields - philosophers and writers, public and party figures, historians and culturologists are involved in the development of the Eurasian idea. A rich reflection of Eurasianism has found - directly or indirectly - in literary works and journalism. One of the most difficult issues of Eurasian integration is the ways of coexistence of different religions in the context of the expected convergence of the eco¬nomic models of the continent.

Keywords: Russian Eurasianism, Eurasia, East-West, convergence, religion

Volume: 137-153

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