Religion and Society in the East

The periodical of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. ISSN 2542-1530


Moslem Radicalism and Terrorism in Indonesia Today

Alexey Drugov

Religiia i obshchestvo na Vostoke, Issue IV (2020), p. 230-254.

Religious radicalism in the countries of the east / Религиозный радикализм в странах востока

DOI: 10.31696/2542–1530–2020–4–230–254

Based mainly upon materials from Indonesian press and by Indonesian authors, the paper shows that religious radicalism and terrorism as its extreme form are resulting mostly from social and economic factors. The main are social inequality and disparity in the development of regions. The external factor plays their role too. The Islamic extremism is generated among other reasons by the threat of unipolar world policy pursued by the USA. The article deals also with steps taken by the present Indonesian government, both political and by force to meet the threat of radicalism and terrorism. The main author’s conclusion is that the way to overcome radicalism and terrorism lays in overcoming its roots. The government of President Joko Widodo is taking certain steps considering that in Indonesia disparities of social and economic development often coincide with geographic factors, while confessional differences are overlapping them. The government is developing the infrastructure to provide progress of most remote regions. Several programs are aimed at rising education level, wellbeing and health facilities for poorest Indonesians. The government warns against connecting terrorism with Islam religion which is inseparable part of the world civilization. Indonesia itself especially under President Abdurrahman Wahid who was distinguished Moslem leader (1999-2001) proved that Islam and democratic reforms do not confront each other.

Keywords: Islam, religion, radicalism, terrorism, social roots, inequality, contradictions, intolerance, democracy

Volume: 230-254

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